What Jobs Will ChatGPT Replace? And what won't?

4 minutes

Recently, a tweet about 20 jobs that GPT-4 will replace in the near future went viral. The birth of ChatGPT has set off shocking waves in the industry. Experts say ChatGPT and related generative AI technologies will likely threaten some jobs, especially white-collar jobs.

Since its release last November, the new chatbot model, ChatGPT, has been used for a variety of jobs: writing cover letters, writing children's books, and even helping students cheat on essays.

According to the latest research released by Goldman Sachs, about two-thirds of current jobs are affected to some extent by artificial intelligence, and generative artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, can replace as many as one-quarter of existing jobs. The research says that "generative AI could expose the equivalent of 300mn full-time jobs to automation".

ChatGPT's Impact on the Job Market

Though GPT can potentially threaten certain jobs, Goldman Sachs estimates that generative AI like ChatGPT could raise global GDP by 7%.

As ChatGPT technology develops, employees will need to develop new skill sets for new roles within the company. ChatGPT's ability to work independently opens up opportunities for remote workers and can potentially change the structure of businesses. However, ChatGPT technology also has the potential to displace jobs that involve simple decision-making processes or routine tasks, affecting those who are most vulnerable in the workforce. While technology can create new jobs, jobs can be lost faster than new jobs can be created, with economic consequences for the job market and society at large.

Jobs ChatGPT Will Replace

Customer Service

Artificial intelligence customer service platform is the general trend.

This change is due to the continuous advancement of AI technology, which makes robot interaction feel more real and the service more personalized. Many companies around the world have developed automated customer service, which uses machine learning and natural language processing to automate online customer chat services. This technology will significantly reduce costs and error rates compared to hiring employees. And when facing customer complaints and anger, artificial intelligence customer service will not collapse because they have no emotion at all.

Content Writer

By combining big data and artificial intelligence, millions of stories can be written instantaneously using template frameworks and algorithms developed by software, and you can not even distinguish them from those written by human beings.

While AI may not be able to replace writers in creative writing for the time being, the GPT poses a serious threat to simple writing, such as press releases, informative articles, etc.


Employing machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to understand languages, ChatGPT translates languages more efficiently and accurately than a human translator to some extent, and it's continuously making progress as AI technology advances.

ChatGPT's natural language processing capabilities make it a valuable tool for translating text between different languages. This may reduce the need for human translation, although more detailed translations may still require human translation.

Data Entry Clerk

ChatGPT automates data entry into a database with high accuracy and efficiency. ChatGPT can perform data entry jobs more efficiently and accurately than humans, as it can carry out repetitive tasks without errors or inconsistencies. This frees up employees to focus on higher-level tasks, such as analysis and decision-making.

What Jobs Will not be Replaced by AI

Medical Professional

The GPT language model has impressive abilities to analyze human language and solve intricate issues. However, it's essential to acknowledge that it can only partially replace the expertise and background of a medical professional. Although it may provide a valuable medical research and diagnosis tool, GPT should always be utilized as an adjunct to a healthcare provider's diagnosis rather than a substitute.


While the GPT language model has made significant advances in natural language processing, it's important to note that it can never replace a psychologist's expertise and human touch. GPT can assist and augment their work but can not replicate the value of human connection and empathy that psychologists bring to their patients.


While ChatGPT and other AI technologies can automate mundane tasks or provide data-driven recommendations, they lack the emotional intelligence, creativity, and human judgment required for managerial positions, where people skills and leadership are critical. Ultimately, the best outcome is a collaboration between the AI system and human professionals, where both can leverage their unique strengths.

Find more 💪leadership skills through this article👇

Developing leadership skills: 5 Essential Leadership Skills

Leadership requires a combination skills in order to pursue further in the management career.



Although current science and technology can gather a large amount of data into a chip, the work of teachers is not only the transmission of knowledge but, more importantly, the relationship and communication with students and changing their teaching mode according to different students' situations. This is precisely what is currently tricky for artificial intelligence to achieve.

ChatGPT Replaces Skills but not Jobs

In conclusion, while ChatGPT is an incredible technological advancement, it is crucial that we cherish what makes us human, including emotional intelligence, empathy, and creativity. Technology should be used to complement human labour rather than replace it, as it may provide a more efficient and cost-effective solution to repetitive tasks.

Learn how to use ChatGPT to 🚀improve your working efficiency here👇

8 Great Ways To Use ChatGPT For Your Working Efficiency

Explore some great ways to make your work more efficient than ever with ChatGPT.


AI replaces skills, not jobs. With neither efficiency nor quality matching AI, structured low-skilled occupations are bound to become obsolete as the cost of this technology falls. A balance between technology and the human touch is what's needed to move forward to a future where both humans and technology can thrive.

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